Dates and Deadlines

Every journey has a first step, and you’ve already taken yours by learning about Aquinas. The next step is to fill out an application so we can get ready to build your future together. We pride ourselves on a holistic approach to application review which includes curriculum, extracurricular activities and extenuating circumstances in the admissions decision. Aquinas College is a rolling admission institution, which means we review applications as they are completed.

Review application deadlines:

Undergraduate and Continuing Education Application Deadlines

Semester Preferred Deadline*
Fall November 1 (rolling admissions after this date)
Spring No deadline (rolling admissions)

*Students who apply and submit all required materials by the Preferred Admission deadline should receive an admission decision within 15 business days. Applications received after the priority deadline are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Financial Aid

We are committed to affordability. One hundred percent of first-year students receive financial aid. We connect you with scholarship and aid opportunities, so you can take on no more debt in four years than you'll earn in your first year of work.

Action Deadline
File FAFSA October1 - May 1
Apply for private scholarships Fall
AQ Cost Calculator Anytime