Powerlifter Alex Maher Deadlifts All-Time World Record 347.5 Kilograms at 75 KG

Maher nearly set the all-time world record deadlift three times in single event.

Written by Phil Blechman Last updated on July 31st, 2023

On Jan. 31, 2021, powerlifter Alex Maher set an all-time world record deadlift of 347.5 kilograms (766 pounds) in the 75-kilogram (165-pound) weight class. Competing at the United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) Top of Texas Trifecta in Amarillo, TX at Old School Iron Training, Maher made four deadlift attempts. Each attempt was heavier than the previous all-time world record of 335 kilograms (738.5 pounds) hit by Rostislav Petkov at the 2018 USPA Kern US Open.

Maher was successful on his second and third attempts, which means he broke the all-time world record and broke it again on the next lift. Here were his stats in the deadlift from the event:

Check out attempts two, three, and four in the videos below courtesy of Maher’s Instagram page:

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All-Time World Record Deadlift

If you scrolled all the way to the last image in Maher’s post above, you saw how bruised his ankle was at the time of the competition. That was not an injury sustained at the meet, but rather one of two injuries he sustained before the competition from riding bulls.

BarBend reached out to Maher for details about his preparation for this meet, and he said that he “kept it light…never went over 750 pounds.” He then disclosed that he had a sprained right hand from an awkward fall off of a bull. His ankle’s discoloration was the result of “a bull stepping on [his] legs.” At the time of this article’s publication, he had not yet received an X-ray for it.

An athlete setting multiple all-time world records and successfully pulling nearly five times their body weight is already an impressive feat of strength. Not to mention while tending to multiple injuries on parts of the body that are directly involved with the lift is a whole other level.

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Future Contests

Maher plans to compete next at the USA Powerlifting (USAPL ) Open Nationals in June 2021, where he will lift equipped in a single-ply suit. He will again attempt the 375-kilogram (826.7-pound) deadlift as well as a bench press over 181.4 kilograms (400 pounds) and a squat over 317.5 kilograms (700 pounds). His main goal is securing a spot at the 2021 International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) World Championships.

Feature image from Alex Maher’s Instagram page: @thealexmaher

About Phil Blechman

Phil is a native New Yorker passionate about storytelling, bodybuilding, and game design. He holds a BFA from Syracuse University.