Please use this page to find out what web-based applications where data are being shared in your child's school and classrooms. Once you find your child's teacher, visit the sites and privacy policies listed to learn more about the application. Each application will have a Seminole County Public Schools status to help you identify the applications rating from the district.

Applications that have been rated as "Use Responsibly" have met the minimum requiremts from Seminole County Public Schools. These applications have also signed a Data Sharing and Privacy Agreement with the school district and parental consent may not be required prior to use.

Use with Caution

Applications that have been rated as "Use with Caution" have not met all of the minimum requirements from Seminole County Public Schools. These vendors have not agreed to the terms in the district's Data Sharing and Privacy Agreement. Parental consent is required prior to use.

Use with Caution

Applications that have been rated as "Not For Use in SCPS" should not be used in Seminole County Public Schools. Applications may be rated as "Not For Use in SCPS" for reasons such as the school district already having an application to perform the same function or the application's policies contain language that does not provide adequate protections for our students or staff.

Choose a school:

Web-based applications that should not be used in Seminole County Public Schools.

App Name
Web Address
Privacy Policy
Current Status

ABC mouse is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Not aligned to Standards. Behavioral or contextual advertising is displayed. Data are collected by third-party advertising or tracking services. Data are used to track and target advertisements on other third-party websites or services. Third parties can use data to create ad profiles, data enhancement, and/or targeted advertisements.

BackChannel Chat is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This service does not have a mechanism to ensure compliance with educational record retention requirements. The terms clearly state that the service is governed by the laws of Australia, not the United States. As a result, the service should not be used with students in Seminole County Public Schools.

Bitmoji is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The permissions granted to this extension include the following, which are not permitted on district owned devices: • GPS coordinates • information about things near the user’s device • network monitoring • clicks • mouse position • scroll • keystroke logging 

Bloomz is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Data are shared for advertising or marketing. Behavioral or contextual advertising is not displayed. Data are collected by third-party advertising or tracking services. Data are used to track and target advertisements on other third-party websites or services. Unclear whether this product allows third parties to use data to create ad profiles, data enhancement, and/or targeted advertisements. This applications either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district. SCPS Does not have eDiscovery for this application. SCPS has SchoolMessenger, Skyward, Canvas and email to communicate.

Booksource is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Vendor can not agree to terms in DSPA. They are unable to protect our data to the level that we are expecting a vendor to do.

Box Island is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application does not have an active privacy policy nor discloses any information on what data may be collected. The application has also not been updated with security patches in over 7 years.

Box Island is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

camdesk is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Vendor does not make a privacy policy available.

Canvas Quiz Printer is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

eCampus has released the ability to print quizzes directly from the site. An extension for printing quizzes is no longer needed. For more information, please see this site:

Class Charts is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Class Dojo is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Classroom Hero is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This app is not secure. Any data transfer with this application is not encrypted. Application does not have a Privacy Policy or Terms of Service.

ClassTag is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district. 

Classting is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The policies for Classting indicate that the service collects and may display personal information to other users on the platform. While the terms discuss how data are protected in broad language, they do not address some key concerns regarding district compliance with data handling laws and standards. The service also duplicates the functionality of current applications endorsed by the district, meaning that use of the service would likely result in parents being asked to subscribe to an additional tool for communications regarding student progress. Please see the items below for more information. • Service places responsibility for compliance with COPPA, a law that applies to vendors, on the school. • Personal information may be used for advertising purposes without prohibitions on using student data. • Unclear in which country data are stored and processed. • Terms are unclear how the service will manage requests for information required to comply with FERPA and Sunshine laws. • Unclear how the service may use third party providers to process data. • Service duplicates functionality of currently approved district services (eCampus, Google Classroom, School Messenger). 

Cluster is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district.

Coach's Eye is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Not to be used with children under the age of 16 per vendor's Privacy Policy. "We do not knowingly seek or collect Personal Information from users under the age of 16 (a “Child” or “Children”), except to the extent that TechSmith may collect limited personal information from Children (but not their email addresses), where that Child's school or school district, has contracted with TechSmith to collect the personal information from the Children for the educational context authorized by the school or school district. Children are not allowed to create an account without a parent’s or guardian's express consent." We use your information, including Personal Information, behavioral metrics, geo-location data, demographic data and marketing preferences to personalize and display advertisements and other content for you.

cool math is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district. 

Curriculum Pathways is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Privacy Policy has not been updated since 2013. There are several things in this policy that we should not agree to as is. Vendor responded that they will not sign our DSPA. This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district. 

Dia is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This software does not have information on what, if any, data is collected from users. It also appears the software has not been updated since around 2014 making it vulnerable to attack.

Disney+ is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This service is intended for personal use and not commercial use. is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district.

Dreamscape is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This resource does not align to or support the teaching of standards. 

Dropbox is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The school district does not have visibility nor data loss prevention (DLP) with this cloud storage service. SCPS employees, staff members and students all have access to cloud storage using Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive.

Dualless is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Developer does not include a privacy policy even though the extension requires access to user data. Developer has been unresponsive to multiple requests for a privacy policy by other districts.

Duolingo for schools is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district.

Edmodo is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Educandy is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

fieldlevel is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

SCPS utilizes Honest Game for this purpose. 

Flash Face is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Vendor has pulled the free version of this app from the app stores. Paid application has not recieved a security patch since 2016. Vendor does not provide a privacy policy on the app's website nor the app store.

FlashPrint is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The terms for this software state that information will be shared with Facebook but do not include information on how that data may be used nor any exclusions on using it for marketing purposes. Please consult with your field support technician to identify an approved slicer software in the district.

Flocabulary (Stand Alone) is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This status does not apply to the Flocabulary content found in Nearpod. Flocabulary has minimal alignment to standards and is not aligned to SCPS teaching practices for vocabulary. It is not recommended for use in SCPS. Please utilize resources outlined in the framework, provided by iReady, and referenced in SCPS PD.

Flowy! is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The terms for Flowy indicate that the service will collect personal data but omit important information about the ways that data may be used. Unless the vendor updates their terms for the collection and use of personal information from students, this service cannot be used in SCPS.

Gimkit is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Gizmos is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Gizmos is aligned to the Next Gen Science standards, not the Florida State Academic Standards. Teachers should use the district adopted instructional materials instead of this service. If teachers are looking for additional resources to support science instruction, they should contact their science TOA for assistance.

Google mute tab extension is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Tabs in web broswers can be muted natively. There is not a need for an additional Chrome extension to mute them. Instructions for muting tabs can be found at:

Google Play Console is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The terms for the Google Play Console prohibit it’s use by anyone under the age of 18. Since there is not a mechanism to indicate students aged 18 or older in the Google system, this service cannot be enabled in SCPS. The MIT App Inventor may be a suitable replacement for this service.

GradeCam is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Vendor is not responsive. Zipgrade is an approved alternative.

GroupMe is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district. 

Hulu is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This service is for personal use only and not commercial use.

IO blocks is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application has not received any security updates in over 3 years making it vulnerable to attack. Additionally, the developer does not disclose what data collected from users nor how it will be used or shared.

Math Games is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

mBlock (MakeBlock) is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The terms for MakeBlock allow the application to to send personal information to China for processing. Given the current risks to the potential use of personal information sent to China, this application cannot be installed on SCPS devices.

modmath pro is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

App has not received a security update in over 2 years.

Netflix is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This service is for personal use only and not commercial use.

Noodle Tools is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district.

Print Friendly is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

R intensive Pro is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application has not been updated since 2018 making it vulnerable to attack.

Reflex is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Reflex math is not the preferred math program in SCPS. Teachers/Schools should discuss any potential use of this service with Teaching & Learning. 

Remind is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

rockalingua is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district.

Run Marco is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application has not received an update from the developers since 2016 which makes it vulnerable to security exploits. The application cannot be used in SCPS without receiving a security update from the developers.

SeeSaw is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Communication with parents should happen on a district approved platform such as School Messenger.

Shutterfly is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Not an SCPS approved application for storing or sharing photos of anything SCPS related. Photos can be stored and or shared using OneDrive, Google Photos, Google Drive or Canvas.

SimplyCircle is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Communication tool without eDiscovery capability. Communication tools within SCPS include SchoolMessenger and eCampus.

Slack is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

According to Slack's Terms of Use, this product is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 18. SCPS has Microsoft Teams as an alternative application.

Steam is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Steam may not be used in the classroom. Steam may be approved on a case by case basis for use by organized eSports teams outside of school hours.

StudyMate is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Substance 3D is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Due to the current state of Adobe's licensing model for Substance 3D, it is not available for use in the K-12 market. The free teacher license for the product cannot be used on district devices. If Adobe changes the licensing model, this product can be re-evaluated.

Talking Points is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Communications with families should happen in an approved application in SCPS such as School Messenger, Skyward, or eCampus.

teach your monster to read is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application either did not meet relevant academic standards/rigor and/or poses a potential data privacy risk for our district. 

Teoria is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The Band is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Service's Privacy Policy states "Limited data such as activity logs may be shared with legal parties when requested by law, but original user-generated content within a group is completely private and inaccessible even to the BAND service team.", indicating that the service cannot comply with requests for communication records. Services that cannot provide records of communications between staff and students cannot be approved for use in the district.

Time Graphics is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Vendor is not responsive.

Trello is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Microsoft Planner is the approved application in SCPS for this kind of application.

Varsity Learning is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The district has purchased ALEKS licenses for pre-Calculus students. This was reviewed by math content experts and determined not to be the best resource for this course. 

Vocabulary/Spelling City is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

This application could potentially reinforce incorrect usage of words as it "likes" sentences in which words are used incorrectly. This program is not aligned with the SCPS framework or approach to teaching spelling/vocabulary. Please use the resources found within the Frameworks.

Vocaroo is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

Vooks - Storybooks is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

WhatsApp is rated Not for Use in SCPS because:

The policies for WhatsApp are clear that the service does not retain any messages once they are delivered. As a result, the district would not be able to access the communications between students and/or staff. Since the district is legally obligated to retain written communications, this feature is not permitted by approved communications tools. WhatsApp may not be used in Seminole County Public Schools as a result. Please use one of the approved communications tools for any school related messages.